Thursday, February 24, 2011

And here we go...

Geez. I'm kind of nervous.

     Let's start with the basics I guess. As stated below the title of the blog, I am gamer. I love games, I love them so dearly. I blame my parents for this though; they surprised us one Christmas morning with an Atari 2600 in 1981.They then proceeded to play it for 24hrs straight as their two sons hovered and hovered, drooling. It has been, like so many others of my generation, a love affair with the flashing lights on the screen.
Atari 2600, my first love

     But my love for games didn't just stop there. No. It grew like contagion. I fell in love with board games, role-playing games and card games of all types. I am a gamer. Not to say that I am actually 'good' at games. But I think they are swell. Boy golly.

Why this blog?
     I was clicking away at a game (by a game I mean Torchlight, awesome-town) some weeks ago and thought it funny that I get such a kick out of being a hero, just by clicking the mouse or controller. I thought a semi-regular blog about my thoughts and experiences would get the creative juices flowing again. Maybe I would start working on my book and short stories once the blog got me revved up. I looked up the name "hero by clicking" and saw no one had it and I saved the name. On my way home from work one night, I thought that there are many ways people can become heroes, just by clicking their mouse. For instance, they can donate money or time to folks in need. Anyone can be a hero; it just takes a little effort.

     So my intention is to promote a charity or cause and challenge the gaming community to gather support for this cause. Imagine if the millions of gamers on Xbox Live, PSN and World of Warcraft focused outside of their virtual heroes and gave just little time, effort and money to others in need?

We can make a difference.

     So while the blog will be most often focused on me, my family and my love of gaming, I will throw the gauntlet down once a month, and see if anyone else takes me up on my challenge.

Can you be a hero by clicking?


Be a hero by clicking,
The first challenge is- 

Help those in need in New Zealand

Post up if you donated. You guys rock! You will totally gain xp by doing this...

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